You can help build a ‘Better Block’

You can help build a ‘Better Block’

When people talk about Detroit’s resurgence, Midtown and downtown often take center stage, but the neighborhoods are just as changeable. That “change agent” needn’t come from major construction projects, new businesses, or celebrity attention – it’s a change that can come from within. That’s why Build a Better Block Foundation supports efforts to empower communities […]

Getting to work: Why Detroit’s Workforce Development Board is poised for success

Getting to work: Why Detroit’s Workforce Development Board is poised for success

Detroit’s revitalization is intimately tied to one all-important aspect of any city’s economic prosperity: job creation. That is where the city’s new Workforce Development Board, even in its infancy, is already showing the potential to boost the number, the quality and the training needed to improve the job outlook within Detroit. Led by Mayor Mike […]

Ally Detroit Center brings 1,500 jobs downtown

Ally Detroit Center brings 1,500 jobs downtown

Mayor Mike Duggan remembers when tall buildings around his new office at Coleman A. Young Municipal Center were filled with empty floors. It was early in his first year after being elected, and surveying the land left him feeling challenged. Today he’s thankful corporations have begun filling the towers downtown. “This is a day I […]

Inclusion: Detroit Goes as its Neighborhoods Go

Inclusion: Detroit Goes as its Neighborhoods Go

While the masterfully executed exit from bankruptcy will forever own its rightful place in history, Detroit faces another game-changing opportunity: Creating a growing economy that works for everyone. It is a challenge cities from around the nation are grappling with, and one, if accomplished here, will again demonstrate Detroit’s influence on the country. The progress […]

Unique needs of minority business owners must be addressed in Detroit’s development plans

Unique needs of minority business owners must be addressed in Detroit’s development plans

Editor’s Note: Prior to and during the upcoming Detroit Regional Chamber’s Detroit Policy Conference on Feb. 24, Detroit Unspun/TheHUB will bring you stories that showcase the transformation of our city’s neighborhoods. The question of inclusion has hovered over but not hampered the renewed interest and energy surrounding Detroit and the investment therein. A new mayoral […]