Out of the Ashes: 12th Street revival represents new life for Rosa Parks neighborhood

Out of the Ashes: 12th Street revival represents new life for Rosa Parks neighborhood

Ground zero for the 1967 civil disturbance is becoming ground zero for neighborhood transformation, thanks to involved citizens and the Detroit Planning and Development Department. A standing-room-only crowd recently sought a hundred ways to preserve historical buildings and increase the density of homes and retail.  With the renovation of Herman Kiefer Hospital in the works […]

Detroit’s 12th Street Revival: Vision for Rosa Parks neighborhood is rosy

Detroit’s 12th Street Revival: Vision for Rosa Parks neighborhood is rosy

Ground zero for the 1967 civil disturbance is becoming ground zero for neighborhood transformation thanks to involved citizens and the Detroit Planning and Development Dept. A standing-room-only crowd at a recent Rosa Parks/Clairmount Community forum sought a hundred ways to preserve historical buildings and increase density of homes and retail. With the renovation of the […]

Neighborhood Planning Forum Kicks Off Historic Process  

Neighborhood Planning Forum Kicks Off Historic Process  

In a meeting a Detroit representative called “historic,” a Detroit neighborhood took a new step toward having a big voice in the city’s future in terms of strategy, development and investment. The Rosa Parks Clairmount meeting – which drew more than 150 residents – is an example of how the new Community Benefits Ordinance (Proposal […]

Michigan Community Resources helps east side residents re-purpose vacant lots into flower farms with blight busting blooms

Michigan Community Resources helps east side residents re-purpose vacant lots into flower farms with blight busting blooms

Brightly colored blossoms will replace concrete cracks and overgrown weeds in lower east side Detroit communities this summer. With support from a $25,000 Kresge Innovative Projects grant in 2015, the technical assistance provider, published, Greenfill Development: A Guide to Repurposing Vacant Lots for Flower Farming Enterprises. The guide outlines two unique business models that will […]