Fortified Forkfuls: Making the healthiest options easier

Fortified Forkfuls: Making the healthiest options easier

More and more each day we hear increasingly mainstream messages about healthier eating habits. It’s not only become a popular trend, but it’s practically expected that the restaurants and convenience stores we frequent will offer nutritious alternatives to the standard fare we’ve all become accustomed to. Still, having the right foods in front of us […]

Michiganders encouraged to make lifestyle changes to reduce cancer risk

Michiganders encouraged to make lifestyle changes to reduce cancer risk

After she successfully battled breast cancer, Harrison Township resident Susan McGraw-Thibault focused like never before on her overall health. She watched her weight. She thought about exercising more. She dropped sugar from most of her drinks, avoiding things like soda or sweetened tea. Most importantly, she became a vegetarian, cutting out meat from her diet […]

Pistons star Andre Drummond joins dairy campaign

Pistons star Andre Drummond joins dairy campaign

When it comes to physical activity, 9-year-old Makayla Long has a secret weapon. Drinking chocolate milk, or sometimes strawberry-flavored, gives her the special boost she occasionally needs to handle tough competitors at school recess. “It feels like I have lots of energy,” says Makayla. “It feels like I’m super-fast and everybody else is super-slow.” Calcium […]

It’s easy to help prevent child abuse while filing Michigan tax returns

It’s easy to help prevent child abuse while filing Michigan tax returns

Every day in Michigan, there are more than 375 reports of child abuse and neglect. The worst part? The majority of child abuse and neglect cases stem from situations and conditions that are entirely preventable in an engaged and supportive community. For example, a community that cares about early childhood development, parent support and mental […]

Tahir Whitehead avatar helps kids get healthy

Tahir Whitehead avatar helps kids get healthy

Getting a kid to make healthy choices can be like pulling teeth, but making it part of a game can turn them on the right habits. The game, called Tahir’s Playbook, is both computer and mobile device based and uses an idea called gamification, where education is pushed through fun activities, to get kids interested […]

Milk Matters: Dairy sensitivity doesn’t always require total avoidance

Milk Matters: Dairy sensitivity doesn’t always require total avoidance

What’s a hot summer without the occasional ice cream cone? Or a morning bowl of cereal and sliced fruit, floating in… nothing? “Torture!” might be the response from many, but to the sizable population of lactose intolerant food consumers in Michigan life without dairy is often reality. Lactose present in milk-based products including cheese, many […]

More kids are paying attention in class, getting better grades, making healthier food choices and amping up activity levels thanks to Building Healthy Communities

More kids are paying attention in class, getting better grades, making healthier food choices and amping up activity levels thanks to Building Healthy Communities

Kids go off to school almost every day to learn reading, math, science and more. Now with the help Building Healthy Communities, they can also learn how to be a healthier person.  For the ninth year, elementary schoolers can fight childhood obesity and get healthier with common sense solutions with the school-based wellness program’s help. […]

Khaldun will head Detroit Health Department

Khaldun will head Detroit Health Department

Detroit’s Health Department has a new “top doc.” Taking over the helm is Dr. Joneigh S. Khaldun, a board certified practicing emergency physician and public health leader who has served as the Medical Director of the Detroit Health Department since July of 2016. Khaldun replaces former Executive Director and Health Officer Dr. Abdul-Sayed, who announced […]

Detroit kids’ health gets a booster shot

Detroit kids’ health gets a booster shot

The health of Detroit children will get a much-needed boost with more than $1 million in grant funding awarded to the Detroit Health Department to improve kids’ health. The recently announced funding will support new programs and initiatives for early childhood, asthma care and treatment, environmental health and teen pregnancy prevention, according to Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, executive […]

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