There is no shortage of residents willing to dig in and improve city neighborhoods, according to ARISE Detroit Executive Director Luther Keith, who reported a record 350 neighborhood improvement efforts took place during a single day alone on August 6, the celebration of his organization’s 10th Annual Neighborhoods Day.

It does not stop there, according to ARISE Detroit, which just announced that Detroit LISC Executive Director Tahirih Ziegler will keynote its next big event – the 7th annual ARISE Detroit! Neighborhoods Rising Summit.
The Summit will take place on Saturday, November 5, at the downtown campus of Wayne County Community College District, 1001 W. Fort Street, Detroit 48226.
Its purpose? To equip residents with strategies and tools to address many of the issues they face throughout the year, including fighting crime, curtailing blight and establishing block clubs.
Ziegler will offer her vision for improving city neighborhoods at the opening plenary presentation at 9:30 a.m.
Sponsored by The Kresge Foundation, Detroit Future City and DTE Energy Foundation, the summit is free and will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event includes a continental breakfast and lunch. Individuals can register at, or by phone: 313-921-1955.
“We hope the summit inspires more people to get involved in transforming our neighborhoods and making them the best they can be,” says Keith. “Our panelists are not just experts. They have all really rolled up their sleeves to make things happen in city neighborhoods and will have excellent advice and best practice strategies to share with residents.”
The summit includes a lunchtime forum on the two Detroit community benefits proposals that will be on the November 8 ballot. The proposals are created to give residents greater input in neighborhood development projects. However, the proposals are structured differently in terms of how the community will be involved if developments reach a certain financial threshold.
Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones and Councilman Scott Benson will participate in the forum, either personally or through their representatives. Community supporters of the proposals, listed on the ballot as Proposal A and Proposal B, are also expected to participate in the forum.
Summit workshop panelists include businessman Herb Strather of Strather Associates; Rod Liggons of the Detroit Land Bank Authority; Vickie Kovari, manager of the Detroit Department of Neighborhoods; Chris Lambert of Life Remodeled; Sarida Scott of Community Development Advocates of Detroit; and Jill Ferrari of Michigan Community Resources.
The summit will offer 12 workshops and more than 50 community leaders will provide expertise in neighborhood transformation, including:
– Promoting diversity in entrepreneurship;
– Home buying through the Detroit Land Bank and banking programs;
– Fighting crime and curtailing blight;
– Using community collaborations to procure volunteers and sponsors for community projects;
– Finding jobs and overcoming barriers to employment;
– Finding funding and strategic planning support for neighborhood projects;
– And creating new neighborhood leaders, focusing on the millennial generation.
Workshops will be held from 10:45 a.m. to Noon and from 1:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The summit will also feature community organization exhibitors with information and resources to help neighborhood residents.