Fortified Forkfuls: Making the healthiest options easier

Fortified Forkfuls: Making the healthiest options easier

More and more each day we hear increasingly mainstream messages about healthier eating habits. It’s not only become a popular trend, but it’s practically expected that the restaurants and convenience stores we frequent will offer nutritious alternatives to the standard fare we’ve all become accustomed to. Still, having the right foods in front of us […]

House bill would help grocery stores bring more healthy food to underserved communities

House bill would help grocery stores bring more healthy food to underserved communities

There’s a bill sitting in the Michigan House of Representatives that, if passed, would help grocery stores in underserved communities open, expand or renovate to bring more healthy foods to those neighborhoods. The “Healthy Foods Assistance Act,” or House Bill 5180, would direct funds through a public private partnership with the Michigan Good Food Fund […]

Corner stores want to sell healthier foods but need help to get it done

Corner stores want to sell healthier foods but need help to get it done

Inside Timbuktu Academy of Science and Technology in Detroit, students can have chicken quesadillas, brown cheesy rice, mixed vegetables, and other healthy choices for lunch. Getting healthy foods at convenience stores around Timbuktu is a little different. Motor City Marketplace, located on Mack and St. Jean, is roughly walking distance from the school, is larger […]