New local business directory promotes District 1 businesses

New local business directory promotes District 1 businesses

As new local Detroit businesses open and local neighborhood staples expand, the city aims to promote more than 600 retailers and services and is part of a team creating a directory to help. Spearheaded by Grandmont Rosedale Development Corp. and Councilman James Tate, the DI$COVER D1 initiative, designed to support District 1 businesses, is the […]

City Love: LISC leader says long-time Detroit residents are an integral component of future neighborhood growth

City Love: LISC leader says long-time Detroit residents are an integral component of future neighborhood growth

Sharing a home with ten people came with challenges. But, for Tahirih Ziegler and her siblings, the issues were often more critical than sharing bathrooms or finding privacy. The eldest of eight, Ziegler remembers bouncing around rental properties in western Michigan as her parents faced affordability challenges. Though both parents were professionally employed, her dad’s […]