Be your own Valentine

Be your own Valentine

If cupid doesn’t shoot the arrow of love your way and you find yourself without that special someone this Valentine’s Day, here’s your opportunity to be creative. Try something different. I want you to be your OWN Valentine!

Shower yourself with love.

  • Stop criticizing yourself. Praise yourself instead: “I am a work of art”
  • Give yourself credit for your efforts. Nothing beats a failure but a try.
  • Don’t worry. Be happy. Get rid of the “what ifs…” in your life.
  • Trust yourself. Have confidence in your abilities.
  • Forgive yourself . Nobody’s perfect. We all make mistakes.
  • Don’t lie to yourself.Don’t deny your feelings – happy or sad.
  • Grow spiritually. Seek the peace that God wants to give you.
  • Make positive affirmations.Put them on little sticky notes.
  • Express gratitude just for being alive. Every day above ground is a good day.
  • Nurture your dreams. Find a reason to get out of bed in the morning.
  • Boost your self confidence. It’s just as easy to say “I can” as to say “I can’t”
  • Relax and have fun. Don’t overwork. Have balance in your life.
  • Take care of your body. We only have one.
  • Learn to see and appreciate beauty around you .When you see beauty around you, you will begin to see beauty in yourself.
  • Be your own best friend. Be your own valentine. Love yourself.

Don’t be afraid to ask your friends and family for help. Find out what they like about you and make a note of their responses. Repeat these positive points about yourself in the mirror each morning.

Happiness keeps you sweet.

Trials keep you strong,

Sorrows keep you human.

Failures keep you humble.

Success keeps you glowing.

But, above all, it’s friendships that keep you going. Be a true friend to yourself and others.

Editor’s Note: Dr. Mary Edwards is the founder of Widows with Wisdom and a freelance contributor to TheHUB. 


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