Eastern Market Growing Communities offers micro-grants to help small businesses flourish

Eastern Market Growing Communities offers micro-grants to help small businesses flourish

Growing Detroit’s small businesses is essential to revitalizing the city and its neighborhoods. Oftentimes, those small businesses need a leg up to get them to the next successful rung. Eastern Market Growing Communities (EMGC) knows that. Over the past five years, it has invested $520,000 in micro-grants to spur neighborhood revitalization and small business development. […]

LittleGuide Detroit aims to show parents, grandparents city and region are family-friendly

LittleGuide Detroit aims to show parents, grandparents city and region are family-friendly

Detroit is a family-friendly place, but not enough people know it. So says Kerry Doman, who has just launched a new project called LittleGuide Detroit, which lets parents know about the kid-friendly things going on in metro Detroit. The idea stems from her own experience as a new mom to a now 18-month-old.  Doman has lived downtown […]

University of Detroit Mercy to host 2019 National Jesuit Student Leadership Conference, bring hundreds to see city’s revitalization

University of Detroit Mercy to host 2019 National Jesuit Student Leadership Conference, bring hundreds to see city’s revitalization

Hundreds of students, faculty and administrators from more than 28 Jesuit colleges and universities throughout the U.S. will gather at the University of Detroit Mercy’s McNichols Campus in July 2019. They’ll be attending the 2019 National Jesuit Student Leadership Conference (NJSLC) hosted by Detroit Mercy. “The city of Detroit is at a pivotal point in […]

Enroll now! More than 8,000 summer jobs open for Detroit’s young people

Enroll now! More than 8,000 summer jobs open for Detroit’s young people

More than 8,000 young Detroiters will be able find jobs with area businesses and organizations this summer. The application process is now open for Grow Detroit’s Young Talent (GDYT). Youth looking for summer employment, as well as companies and organizations that want to provide summer jobs or be a sponsor, can go to www.GDYT.org to sign up. […]

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