If you’ve ever had to choose between healthy eating and convenience, the Grubbable app might make your life a little easier.
Think of it as your first stop to find the best restaurants connected to local farmers, businesses and nonprofits. The Grubbable app is designed to pair the user with eateries that use natural and local ingredients, such as Republic, Sister Pie, Mimi’s Bistro, and others.
Today, Eric Russ, co-founder of Grubbable, is committed to eating healthy, but it wasn’t always that way. In his early 20s, he wasn’t as health conscious. “I got married (and), thankfully, my wife did care about my eating habits,”he says.
Together, they started learning more about the value of locally grown food for both its nutritional value and the environmental advantages.
“Restaurants and farms that were committed to more natural growth methods were hard to find, and so we thought it would be great to create a tool that made it easier for customers to find and support environmentally-conscious purveyors Russ says.
Russ, with business partners Jake Wesorick and Mike Feng, worked to shape Grubbable from concept to reality. In general, Russ says, people want to eat healthy, but with all the choices available, it can become overwhelming.
“Not to mention the difficulty in finding truthful and relevant data, synthesizing the gathered information, and then applying all of this new knowledge,”he says. “All these factors often drive people to make simple, rather than positive decisions when it comes to eating.”
He says the Grubbable app fills that bill. It is a trustworthy, easy-to-use membership network that lowers food prices for consumers while growing a customer base and loyalty for restaurants. It helps people make great decisions without hours of research or paying the high prices often associated with quality food.
For a membership of $0.99/month or $9.99/year, Grubbable gives the user a 10 percent discount on all entrees and educates him or her about local farms and artisans. Russ says the average consumer can save up to $274 a year and make up the cost of a membership within a few visits to his or her favorite place.
Supporting those restaurants also helps the community.
“With the restaurant industry accounting for the highest growth in job opportunities and employing more than 13 million people, the impact of local jobs can be very significant to a local economy,” Russ says. “Grubbable places the emphasis on eating at locally sourced restaurants by driving the concept of local economy to the forefront of people’s minds when choosing where to eat.”
For now, Grubbable is focusing on Detroit communities. The plan is to eventually expand to cities throughout metro Detroit with an emphasis on improving healthy eating habits, the economy, and environmental sustainability. “
Our desire is to help change the landscape of what people choose to eat when they go out,” Russ says. “We are hoping the ease of our app makes people choose the best restaurants, and in doing so, causes other restaurants to consider serving local and natural food.”
The free app is available on both iOS and Android devices. For more information, visit www.grubbable.com.