Groundbreaking work in Detroit’s neighborhoods occurs daily with very little fanfare or recognition. It’s these kind of quiet and consistent efforts moving the needle of neighborhood stabilization and redevelopment that deserve to be in the spotlight.
Tonight, Tuesday, Oct. 24, many of the groups pushing the accelerator on neighborhood development efforts will be at the 2017 Detroit Community Development Awards presented by the Masco Corporation Foundation, Detroit LISC, Michigan Community Resources and Community Development Advocates of Detroit (CDAD).
The annual awards honor those unsung heroes at work all around us, residents and community leaders and activists alike who show true leadership and get things done. The nine awards span such categories as Excellence in Real Estate Development, CDC/Nonprofit Developer of the Year, and Champion for Financial Empowerment, among others.

One of the many deserving honorees this year is Detroit Impact, Inc./Brothers on Patrol (BOP). The group will step on stage to receive the Bridget Vance Award for Outstanding Safety Initiative for the consistent and important work they’ve been doing since 1992.
BOP’s mission is be the eyes and ears of the community and its efforts involve countless parents, volunteers and community stakeholders.
The group has not only stopped many criminal acts and routine vandalism, but helped to create lasting friendships and a sense of community among its supporters.
Initially, BOP was set up to keep children safe on their way to and from school. The thought that safety was a concern for even this simplest of trips was unacceptable to founding members Calvin Colbert, Allen Martin, Ronald Brown, and Bernard Spragner. Real, courageous efforts were even undertaken with area gangs in the 48227, or Grandmont Rosedale neighborhood, whom BOP reached out to.
Since then, the group’s focus has expanded to include issues like employment, housing, conflict resolution, and education completion. The result has been better communication and safer streets, real progress in one of Detroit’s central neighborhoods.
TheHUB Detroit joins the organizers of the 2017 Detroit Community Development Awards in congratulating Detroit Impact, Inc/Brothers on Patrol program on its well-deserved award.
For more information on the 2017 Community Development Awards partners see:
Masco Foundation:
Community Development Advocates of Detroit (CDAD):
Detroit LISC:
Michigan Community Resources (MCR):
To find out more about Brothers on Patrol, visit