Hope abounds among households anxious to make up for last year’s “lost holiday season” devoid of large family gatherings, messy piles of gift wrap, boisterous get-togethers and inevitable travel delays.
Another quiet Christmas?
“Not on your life,” according to Florida native Jennifer Brown, who says that her family’s holiday plans are going to be bigger, bolder and better than ever.
Work parties? Check.
Family get-togethers? Absolutely!
Festive community events?
“I wouldn’t miss ‘em!,” says Brown, who is determined to make up for lost family time curtailed as a result of last year’s pandemic restrictions.

While many shifted Labor Day plans due to increases in the Delta coronavirus variant, a greater number say they are committed to gather, gift and celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanza events with family and friends this year.
“We’ll definitely be dodging hugs and doing a lot of air-kissing, but our traditional family gathering is definitely back on the table this year,” says Brown, who adds that she plans to ditch the mistletoe this year.
Although safety is still a concern, her family’s mental health is also a priority, according to Brown, who says her home-bound brood definitely has lingering anxiety and related sleep issues as a result of the pandemic.
Will the issues disappear in December?
“Absolutely not,” says Brown, who notes that December may be among her family’s most stressful months yet.
Between finding enough leaves to add distance to the dining room table, making artful seating arrangements to separate pro- and anti-vaxers, and presiding over squabbles sure to arise among those with rusty social skills, you’d think this was a White House event, laughs Brown.

Holiday stress is inevitable, according to mental health professionals, who worry that too many households’ over-the-top holiday plans will become a tipping point.
You can’t “catch-up,” on lost sleep and you sure can’t “make-up” for more than a year’s worth of traditions abandoned during the pandemic, experts warn, noting that such efforts may add even pressure to what the American Psychological Association already recognizes as a uniquely stressful time.
Mental health may well become this year’s holiday hangover.
Because many Americans succumb to the “I got this” syndrome, say experts, who warn that we may suffer from a collective case of “over-confidence.”
Although you can’t always avoid expected holiday stress, you can, and should, be proactive in addressing it.

A recent Atena survey revealed that 44% of respondents had concerns around the physical and mental health of family and friends.
Odds are, at least one of them will be at your holiday dinner table or shopping line. Pass the stress, please.
And likely holiday hosts? They are stressed too, according to Motherly, which reports nearly 98% of millennial moms polled said 2020 was their “worst” year ever.
Many suspect the remaining 2% were likely lying, according to social-media activity.
What worries them most?
The Delta spread, according to Brown, who stands among America’s 46 million parents of children under 12 feeling nervous about the rise in cases associated with COVID’s Delta variant.
Although afraid, Brown and 78% of Americans plan to expand holiday activities this year.
Will the stress be worth it?
For many, particularly grandparents, the answer is a resounding yes, according to a Motel 6 poll, which found that 59% plan to spend more time with their grandchildren.
Humans are hard-wired to connect, according to a report published in Scientific American.

It’s panic-inducing time. If you are getting together, set boundaries, experts advise.
Everyone needs to be aware of and compliant with “meeting mandates” related to comfort and distancing between masked, unmasked, vaccinated and the unvaccinated.
Complications will come up, but the hugs, the kisses, and, yes, even the over-the-top relatives have all been missed, according to Your CBD Store Founder Rachael Quinn, who predicts that “balance” will be the buzzword this holiday season.
But who gets a seat at the table is among the more difficult issues being parsed by families like the Browns.
Now is a good time to set expectations for seasonal shopping and holiday events too, according to Quinn, who stresses that it’s critical that everyone has coping strategies and calming pursuits planned well ahead of Thanksgiving, the official kick-off of the holiday season.
With an upswing in cases of the double vaccinated, the thinking has changed.
Many feel that their fully vaccinated status makes social distancing and other guidelines unnecessary.
They couldn’t be more wrong, according to many health experts.

Whether you go big or keep things small, social distance or not, finding a way to balance holiday stress is possible, according to Your CBD Store operators, who say it’s important to have a strategy for coping on the ready during the holidays for when things feel overwhelming. Among some tips they recommend:
- Manage Holiday Expectations. Although it’s tempting to aspire for perfection, settle for realistic and attainable goals.
- Budget your time. Spread out errands, so you don’t get overwhelmed with holiday to-dos.
- Decompress the Stress. Plan time to relax, whether you grab a few extra minutes soaking in a warm tub, get to bed 15 minutes earlier than normal, enjoy a walk along a serene trail or catch some quiet time with a soothing drink. It’s important to schedule downtime (family members, too).
- Have a Back-Up Plan. Keep extra masks handy, be prepared to adjust holiday seating plans and other arrangements. Flexibility is key to keeping holiday stress levels down.
- Maintain an Attitude of Gratitude. If you and your family are well, or recovering, reserve time to be thankful. Reflect on the small things and people that have brought joy to your everyday life and when, and where, you can, pay it forward.
“Kindness is contagious,” says Quinn, who initiated a wellness call to check in on shut-in customers and area residents last year. Many other locally-owned and operated Your CBD Stores participated in similar calls, ultimately reaching millions during last year’s quarantine.
If just one kind act can change someone’s entire day, imagine what we can do with the entire holiday season.
What a gift.
Editor’s Note: Jackie Berg is the publisher of the Health Hub, Co-Founder of CBD Marketing Hub l Cannabis Marketing Hub and a regular contributor. To learn more about Your CBD Store or find a location near you visit getsunmed.com